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just an ordinary girl with a million dreams

Hey there! To simply state, I love creating and sharing.

It all began in 2017 when I took a mandatory course at my university. It was all about imagination and transforming it into reality through creativity and design. I initially hated the course. There was just so much to do and honestly, I had no idea what I was doing most of the time. It seemed like everyone else in the room was enjoying their time learning and using the software except me.

This course was truly a challenge for me. Luckily, I am not one to back away from a challenge. As a result, I decided to focus on one and only one objective: mastering this software. I started practising more in the class and to my surprise, actually found myself enjoying it. I also found myself spending hours designing without feeling tired. In fact, I was happier than I was before.

Honestly, if I could credit anyone for the level of happiness I feel today, it would be my professor, Ana Gavassa, who kept inspiring me through her hard work and amazing artworks. Plus, every time she shows us her awe-striking artwork, the class fills with excitement and positive energy.

I always wanted to be SOMEONE. It's just that, I was never sure who. I think I know who I am now and whom I want to be, finally! So here I am now, a designer and VFX artist-to-be.
If you're up for being a part of my journey, just follow me on Behance to see my work and Instagram to know me more!

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